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Resource Partners

Feel free to browse any of the companies we can use to help solve a problem your facing. May that be the need for a realitor or tax services, please feel free to contact our supporters below.


Janie (Rivera) Conley


Cell/Text: (414) 688-8595

Office: (414) 525-2987

"Hablo Espanol"



Hispanic Roundtable Inc.


Low income Hispanic homeowners - mostly families who need emergency home repair. More than 3/4 of the households we would serve have children and only one person working in most cases. Assistance is based on income and also degree of emergency.

AmeriTax Professional, LLC

Daniel Evangelista

6201 75th Street Suite #105

Kenosha, WI 53142

Office: (262)833-7070

"Hablo Español"




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